The Lectures that had been presented in the first international Circassian Conference

The Lectures that had been presented in the first international Circassian Conference
- Opening Remarks and Greetings
- Greetings from the Culture Department of Nurmberg
- Perspective of Circassians in Germany
Dr. Faidi Mahmoud Barsbai
Chair of the Circassian Culture Association in Nuremberg
- Circassians and the Future
Dr. Orfan Shouakar-Stash
Chair of the Circassian Repatriation Organization (CRO)
- Can the Circassian People Maintain their Language in the Diaspora?
Dr. Diana Forker
University Jena, Department of Carcinology
Read Diana-Forkers presentation
Prof. Viacheslav Chirikba
University, Sukhum, Abkhazian
Read Viacheslav-A.-Chirikbas presentation
- Adige Language studies in Latin Alphabet Circassian
Mr. Ali İhsan Tarı
Adige Dil Kültür Merkezi Konya, Turkey
Read the presentation watch the Video
- Speaking and writing Circassian?
Prof. Dr. Adel Abdulsalam Lash
Damascus University, Department of Geography, Damascus Syria
- Ariga-Projects in Formation of the Mentality of Adyga, “Adyghe language in 30 days”
Dr.Bidanok Marziat Mugdinovna
Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher of the Language, Maykop, Republic of Adygea, Russian
- Circassian Language Development in Jordan 1870-2010
Dr. Moh’d Yacoub Khawaj
Jordan Circassian Charity Association, Amman Jordan
- Europe’s Moral Role to Restore Circassian Legitimate Rights
Mr. Adel Bashqawi
Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends Amman, Jordan
Read the presentation watch the Video
- How to Survive the Circassian Nation in the 21st Century and Resist Assimilation
Mr. Rashid Zafesov
Maykop, Adygea, Russian Federation
Read the presentation watch the video
- It is time for the Circassians to wake up in the motherland and in the diaspora
Mohammad Shuaib Brash Hammzouq
General Secretary of Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends, Amman, Jordan
Read the presentation watch the video
- International Circassian Movement
Mr. Ishaq Mola and Rawhi Shehaltough
Jordan Association of Caucasus Circassian Friends, Amman, Jordan
- Circassians in Turkey are Trying to Preserve Their Cultural Identity by Founding A Political Party
Prof. Dr. Günsel (Şurdum) Avcı
Vice-Chairperson and Founding Member of “The Pluralistic Democracy Party” in Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
- Repatriation of the Circassians on the Caucasus: problems and solutions
Rusudana Sokht
Student in the Faculty of law of Kuban State University
Republic of Adygea, Russian Federation
- Circassian Women’s Association in Turkey Continues its Efforts to Preserve Circassian Language and Culture, as 100 Years Before
Prof. Dr. Günsel (Şurdum)
Avcı English Chairperson and Founding Member of “Circassian Women’s Association” in Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
- The Circassian women
Gina Haboukh
Circassian activist, business women, USA
- How Can We Preserve Circassian Cultural Identity in the Globalizing World and Developing Technology?
Atakan Şurdum Avcı
Founding member of Xase TV, Istanbul, Turkey
- Road Map for Circassian Work
Mr. Kamal Jalouqa
Amman Jordan
- Nart TV is the Window of our Big Circassian House
Mr. Kamal Jalouqa on behalf of Nart TV
Amman Jordan
- The Importance of Sport for the Circassian Community
Mr. Nihad Souqar
Amman, Jordan
- What we can do to Stay a Respected Adige Nation on Earth
Fathi Radjab
MSc Biology, States Holland
- Emigration court
Mr. Sabah Tsey, Venlo, Holland