Our yearly Programs:

Small business Support program (SBSP)
The CRO has funded 27 small projects since it started its Small Business Support program in 2015, where almost USD 70,000 was used to support these projects

The CRO-Backpack Drive
In accordance with the Circassian Repatriation Organization (CRO)’s vision and objectives, the CRO launched a new pilot project aimed at supporting students and their families to cover school expenses.
This pilot project was tested this year in the Circassian Republics, Kabardino-Balkaria and Adygea. In the future, the CRO is hoping to develop this program to support Circassian students everywhere through a permanently established program.
The 2019 Backpack Drive Program was carried out by a team of volunteers from different Circassian communities and the campaign started on Feb. 20, 2019.
The Program team made a list of school necessities for elementary through high school students and estimated the cost of these essential items. They also put together a list of students who are qualified under this program from three different localities: Kabardino-Balkaria, Maikop, and Penakhas. The list included, 103 students from Kabardino-Balkaria, 34 students from Maykop and 40 students from Penakhas with a total of 177 students.

The International Circassian Conference
On Sep. 21-22/2018, the CRO partnered with the Circassian Nuremberg Association to organise the first international Circassian Conference in Nuremberg, Germany and the second conference will take place October 18-20

CRO Awards
The CRO Awards Program is intended to honour Circassian individuals or groups who made significant contributions investing their energy and resources, inspiring others and going above and beyond to support the Circassian people, community, language or culture.
In general
In 2019
The CRO has funded six small projects in 2019, which they are:
– Two projects for mini markets
– Kitchen and furniture workshop
– Project for breeding dairy cows
– Two projects for taxi cars. -
The CRO Backpack Drive 2019 Campaign
In accordance with the Circassian Repatriation Organization (CRO)’s vision and objectives, the CRO launched a new pilot project aimed at supporting students and their families to cover school expenses.
The Program team made a list of school necessities for elementary through high school students and estimated the cost of these essential items.They also put together a list of students who are qualified under this program from three different localities: Kabardino-Balkaria, Maikop, and Penakhas. The list included, 103 students from Kabardino-Balkaria, 34 students from Maykop and 40 students from Penakhas with a total of 177 students.
In Oct. 18-20/2019, the CRO partnered with the Circassian Nuremberg Association to organise the second international Circassian Conference in Nuremberg, Germany more
Within the framework of helping Circassians in Syria, The CRO collected Zakat Alfeter and passed the collected money to Circassian families in different localities in Syria.
Inerduced The CRO Awards Program and The winners in The CRO Awards Program 2019:
The 2019 CRO Lifetime Achievement Award
Kadir I. Natho
Nalbi Qoueqoua
The 2019 CRO Satanay Award:
Raya Hazeka
The 2019 CRO Circassian Person of The Year:
Günsel Surdum Avci
In 2018
The CRO has funded six small projects in 2018, which they are:
– Three projects for taxi cars.
– A restaurant.
– A Maintenance mobile workshop.
– An Industrial tiles project.
For more info press here
The CRO participated in the national conference ‘Promoting International Dialogue and Protecting Cultural Heritage in the Caucasus’ in December 5-6 at RUCARR, Malmö University. more
we have achieved that CRO-US is now exempt from federal income tax under internal revenue code “IRC” section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to us under IRC section 170. We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under sections 2055, 2106 or 2522. Organizations exempt under “IRC” section 501(c)(3) are further classified as either public charities or private foundations. More
In Sep. 21-22/2018, the CRO partnered with the Circassian Nuremberg Association to organise the first international Circassian Conference in Nuremberg, Germany more
The CRO delivered the fast-breaking charity(Alfitr Charity) to a number of families in need in Syria May 21, 2018 more
The CRO Lifetime Achievment Award was presented to Dr. Ehsan Saleh Stash in recognition of his continuous support and contributions to the Circassian community for several decades. it was in Damme, Germany in annual Circassian gathering March 31, 2018 more
2017 Yılında:
- CRO, kendi programına göre (küçük işletme projelerini destekleme) Çerkez cumhuriyetlerine geri dönenleri desteklenmesi için, beş kücük Projeleri finanse etti (CRO-SBSP 2017).
- CRO, Adıgey Üniversitesinde Kabul edilen genç bir Adam Yolculuk masraflarını karşıladı.
- CRO, 23-24 Kasım tarihleri arasında Malmö Üniversitesi’ndeki Kafkas Araştırmaları Merkezi tarafından düzenlenen ulusal konferansa katıldı.
- CRO, Kounya’daki Çerkez Kültür Merkezi’nin (adigabza winah) açılışına katıldı.
- CRO, resmi olarak Birleşmiş Milletler Sivil Toplumu üyesi olarak kayıtlıdır
- Örgüt Fitre topladı ve Suriye’de bazı muhtaç ailelere dağıttı.
- CRO, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri New Jersey`de resmi olarak kayıt alıtna alınmak üzere bir şubesi lisanslandı
- CRO, Avrupa Mülteci ve Sürgün Konseyine (ECRE) üye olmak için başvuruda bulundu ve uluslararası bir ortak olarak kabul edildi.
- CRO, 2017 yılının Nisan ayında Köln’deki Alman Çerkezleriyle yapılan bir toplantıya bir arada Geldi.
- CRO, Adigy Cumhuriyeti’ne geri dönen altı kişinin ikamet masraflarını karşıladı
2016 Yılında:
- CRO, kendi programına göre (küçük işletme projelerini destekleme) Çerkez cumhuriyetlerine geri dönenleri desteklenmesi için, yedi kücük Projeleri finanse etti (CRO-SBSP 2016).
- CRO, Adıgey Cumhuriyeti’ne dönmek isteyen Suriyeli Bir Aileye Beyrut Havaalanı yoluyla Bilet parası ödedi.
- CRO, Adıgey Cumhuriyeti’ne dönmek isteyen genç bir Adam Yolculuk masraflarını karşıladı.
- CRO, Suriye’de Sıkışan Çerkezleri Maddi olarak desteklemek için bağış kampanyaları yaptı. … daha fazla bilgi için buraya tıklayın yada buraya.
Kuruluşundan beri 2015’e kadar:
- CRO, onun kendi programına göre (küçük işletme projelerini destekleme) Çerkez cumhuriyetlerine geri dönenleri desteklenmek için, üç kücük Projeleri finanse etti (CRO-SBSP 2015). … Daha fazla bilgi için buraya tıklayın.
- CRO, Suriye’deki savaşın kurbanı olan bazı Çerkez yetimlerine Kefil oldu.
- CRO, Amerika Birleşik Devletler, Türkiye, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Almanya ve Ürdün’de Tanıtım kampanyaları yürüttü.
- CRO, Rusya Federasyonu Başkanı’na ve Rusya’nın Kanada Büyükelçisine ve Estonya Eyalet Parlamentosu’na mektuplar gönderdi