Day of the circassian flag, day of the circassian grief , memory of the Russian–Caucasian war , What else???
Day of the circassian flag, day of the circassian grief , memory of the Russian–Caucasian war , What else???
150 years passed and we still mourn our bad luck and lack of resourcefulness, we sometime hold the Russians responsible and once the Turks and the British .. and at the end to our leaderships, those who surrendered or truce or overdo , or ….. Our excuses are ready to avoid responsibility by stating that we are all chives and cannot agree, and therefore no hope Our history turned to be a burden instead of being a motive to review, self-criticism and construction to crystallize a correct way to reach our rights that are wasted since decades. The historical chance seams ready now (although late) due to availability of modern communications to all circassians in diasporas, which were fragmented geographically, culturally and materially.
Circassian communities are now multiply and communicate, debates rage and take shape day after day in ways to deal with our issues, It is time for these communities to get together and concentrate their efforts in programmable points and to set the pace to serve their purpose in rebuilding the united Circassia without repetition of the past historical disasters by means of opened up and transparent dialogs between the components of the Circassian nation and the Russian people (which is the opposite side in the Circassian dilemma). Addressing the Russian people in general has become an urgent and required act, in order to draw their attention to the disastrous situation of the Circassian Diaspora .. There are important good will powers in the Russian people capable of understanding our cause. Remobilization of the homeland requires:
1- Support and reactivation of the International Circassian Association and to move it out of the quagmire of inertia and formality be means of firm procedural decisions and follow up by the Circassian Associations in Diasporas and by the Federal Circassian Governments.
2- The first task of the Russian Federal Government and the Governments of the Circassian Regions will be to obtain a clear resolution considering the Circassian of Diasporas as natural citizens in the Russian Federation.
3- To request the Regional Circassian Governments to facilitate the measures for those who want to return to the homeland.
4- To encourage investors in Diasporas to invest in the Caucasus considering the legal procedures to facilitate that. 5- To change the idea that all actions and efforts in favor of the Circassian issue (in Diaspora) is suspicious and connected as long as it is not coming out of the cloak of the Circassian Governments and their apparatuses .. Instead of that, it requires them to absorb all energies and interact them to serve the homeland and to apply what the ex-president of Kabardino-Balkaria Mr. Arsen Quanoqa said about the importance of playing a leading role in leading the National Circassian Issue. energies and interact them to serve the homeland and to apply what the ex-president of Kabardino-Balkaria Mr. Arsen Quanoqa said about the importance of playing a leading role in leading the National Circassian Issue.